Navigating Allocations on Landstack: Unveiling the Purple, Pink, and Green

Landstack brings a unique and comprehensive approach to visualising allocations, differentiating between draft and adopted allocations. Understanding the distinctions between these two categories is crucial in the intricate process of strategic land identification. Here's how Landstack represents this information on its map interface:


1. Draft Allocations: The Prelude to Approval

Draft allocations are taken from the initial stages of emerging local plans. These encompass sites included in the Preferred Options and Pre-submission documents. On Landstack's map, these areas are distinctly marked in PURPLE. The outlining shade, in PINK, signifies the preliminary nature of these allocations.

draft allocations

2. Adopted Allocations: Solidifying the Vision

The journey from draft to adoption is a critical process in the local plan process. Draft allocations that successfully navigate the rigorous scrutiny of the planning process are officially adopted once the Local Plan is deemed 'sound.' On Landstack's map, these adopted allocations stand out prominently in PURPLE, just like their draft counterparts. However, the outlining shade is in GREEN, signifying that these allocations have been officially adopted and endorsed by the local planning authorities.

adopted allocations

3. Detailed Insight from Local Plans:

Landstack doesn't just stop at visual representation; it goes a step further by incorporating valuable insights directly from the Local Plan documents. This ensures that users have access to not only the geographical location of draft and adopted allocations but also the specific details and context provided by the planning authorities. Regular updates by the dedicated planning team keep this information current and reliable.

sitestack allocations

4. Empowering Successful Planning Applications:

The distinction between draft and adopted allocations on Landstack is not merely aesthetic; it holds immense strategic importance. Having land included as a site allocation for a particular use significantly enhances the likelihood of a successful planning application. The very principle of development is secured at the allocation stage, reducing uncertainties and facilitating a smoother planning process.

In essence, Landstack's intuitive representation of draft and adopted allocations in shades of PURPLE, PINK, and GREEN, coupled with detailed insights from Local Plans, provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. With this information at your fingertips, you're equipped to navigate the complex landscape of land identification with confidence, making informed decisions that lay the foundation for successful land development projects.n essence, Landstack's intuitive representation of draft and adopted allocations in shades of PURPLE, PINK, and GREEN, coupled with detailed insights from Local Plans, provides a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. With this information at your fingertips, you're equipped to navigate the complex landscape of land identification with confidence, making informed decisions that lay the foundation for successful land development projects.


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Navigating Districts with Landstack: Your Gateway to Dynamic Planning Data