Milton Keynes: Landstack data in use!

Milton Keynes have recently released their preferred options for the MK City Plan 2050 as well as a new Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

The MK City Plan 2050, is an important planning document that sets out how Milton Keynes will change and grow in the years ahead. It guides where future development should happen in the city until 2050.

Using the REPORTS system on Landstack, we can see that there are 28 sites that have been identified through the preferred option process. See below and image from Landstack showing where these are located, marked in PURPLE with a PINK outline.

Using the MAP, we can start to drill down into where the opportunities may lie. Overlay the PLANNING APPLICATION layer to see which are immediately controlled. Follow this up by the TITLES layer to understand the different ownerships within these sites.

Using the same process, we can trawl through the 527 sites that we assessed within the SHLAA. With each site assessed, you can get access to a wealth of information, from suitable site area to an overall summary!

With just a few clicks you can begin to identify key opportunities in Milton Keynes, rather than spending hours trawling through numerous PDF documents!

Get in touch today for a demonstration, talk to one of the team through


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